Super-T Design to AS5100.5: 2017

Creation date: 7/24/2019 11:24 PM    Updated: 7/25/2019 8:55 AM   as5100.5 super-t design

I have a few queries related to Super-T design to AS5100.5. Please see below.
Can you please clarify how to specify the prestressing force and debonding pattern for prestressing strands? Does this have to be done via the Bridge Wizard? What if a Wizard has not been used for the modelling?
Also, can you please confirm if a construction stage has to be defined for a PSC check - even if only a check is desired at the ultimate final stage, do we still have to define a stage?
I also cannot visually see the reinforcement in the PSC section even when the Display option is enabled. Can you please confirm how the rebar can be seen inside the section?
Any other advice you can provide related to modelling of Super-Ts to AS5100 would be greatly appreciated. If you have a pdf document showing the design process for these can you please provide.
Much appreciated.



1. Debonding length

If you don't use the wizard function, the tendon profile has to be excluding debonding area. For instance, if the debonding length is 1m for the tendon below at the begining, x coordinate has to be 1m.

You might need to utilize MCT command Shell for multiple tendon profile. All the tendon profile can be shown as text format if you search '*TDN-PROFILE' and click on 'Insert Data'. After editting the data (May be using Excel spread sheet), click 'Run' then modified profile will be applied to the model. 

2. Construction Stage Analysis

Construction Stage Analysis function generate and calculate tendon primary and secondary effect seperately. And the design function applies effective prestressing forces including tendon losses. It is more accurate results especially with Time Dependent Material. However, as you mentioned, if you don't want to simulate all the sequences, if can include all of element, boundary condition and loading to single construction stage and implement PSC design. We may consider the design function without construction stages in the future.

Not all the boundary conditions and loadings has been assigned to the construction stage in your model file.

You may assign the group using the table as shown below.

3. Reinforcement

Reinforcement only can be seen in Section manager as shown below.

It cannot be shown in model view.

The link below includes relevant documents.


Jihoon Kang

Hi Jihoon,
Many thanks for your help and for the additional information you provided.
