I am new to Midas and trying to generate a simple concrete box section;
I go through: the Main Menu select Tools > Sectional Property Calculator:
But getting the message "No curve is selected";
There is nothing to select at the window?
How to generate a section from scratch; not importing DXF?
Thank you for sending your question.
After drawing the section using line function, section will be generated by selecting plane and line type. Please refer to the attached file from 10page.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
I have followed the instructions but when I import the DXF file, no point shown;
I am attaching both the text and DXF files for the cross section;
I've checked your model file and I can import the points in the SPC module.
Please refer to the short video. If you still have same problem, kindly let us know for the assistance. I would also be grateful if you could provide us with the details of the behaviour.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Hi JiHong;
I found out that the DXF is imported but the points are just single pixels cannot be seen in my Midas; see attached screenshot; bottom status shows [20] points imported;
you video shows an "x" at each point;
however, this is minor issue;
In my Midas version; I cannot select those point to generate a section;
I am following the steps; by going to: Model > Section > Generate Section; then I use mouse draw a box around section; but I am still getting the message: "No Curve selected";
Please check on the display and id option of Point field link in the image below.
To generate the section, first you should draw the section with lines. Second, when you generate the section, you should select those lines and then click apply button. If not, the message: "No Curve selected" will popup. Please refer to the attached file about how to create the section.
Than you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Can I use graphics Interphase to create lines?
I tired; I can draw line by inputting coordinates;
But I want connect lines of the imported DXF;
See attached bottom left corner message: "create line";
but I cannot use mouse to connect the lines?
To draw the lines using imported DXF, toggle on the point snap icon. For the more detail, please refer to the attached video.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang