New Suggested 8/17/2021 by Xiao Fu



Horizontal Influence Line

It would be great to have the lateral influence line within the Midas so that the horizontal effect from wheel CE force and vertical effect from the wheel can be modeled together.  This is to replace the current CE function.  The issue with the current CE function in Midas: 1) only overturning effect was captured but no shear effect included - not applicable for substructure design; and 2) this CE function does not do anything for a single line beam model; only works for grillage model.  See ticket #39410111.

Other software like Larsa, Sofsitk can apply a horizontal force (both lateral and longitudinal)  to the structure using the same influence line concept as the vertical ones and they are able to perform the horizontal live load force (centrifugal force in lateral direction and longitudinal force in longitudinal direction).  Maybe Midas can adopt this approach.

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