According to AASHTO 3.6.4Braking Force (BR) can be calculated as greater of the following:
25% of the axle weight if the Design Truck or Design Tandem
5% of (Design Truck/Design Tandem + Lane Load)
25% of Design Truck
| 0.25*72
| 18 kips
25% of Design Tandem
| 0.25*50
| 12.5 kips
5% of (Design Truck + Lane Load)
| 0.05*(72+412*0.64)
| 16.8 kips
5% of (Design Tandem + Lane Load)
| 0.05*(50+412*0.64)
| 15.7 kips
So, 25% of Design Truck governs: 18kips
So the number of lanes in a model be: n
Multiple presence factor for the lanes be: m
Then the Braking Force will be maximum of:
Number of Lanes
| Multiple Presence Factor
| Calculation
| Braking Force
1 Lane
| 1.2
| 18 x 1.2 x 1
| 21.6 kips
2 Lanes
| 1
| 18 x 1 x 2
| 36.0 kips
3 Lanes
| 0.85
| 18 x 0.85 x 3
| 45.9 kips
4 Lanes
| 0.65
| 18 x 0.65 x 4
| 46.8 kips
So, the maximum force should be applied horizontally at the deck level in the longitudinal direction which in turn will generate forces on the columns and other substructures.
The bridge shown here is a 3 span PSC Box Girder bridge having 2 lanes.
Total Span: 410 ft, so can easily fit complete HL-93 Truck and Tandem Load.

The current bridge has 2 lanes:
So, for 2 Lanes Max Braking Load: 36 kips
We have a single line element representing the bridge:

Total Span 410 ft, so a uniformly distributed load of 36/410 = 0.9 or 1 kips/ft has to applied.
Go to Load > Static Load > Static Load Cases:
Name: Braking Load
Type: Braking Load
Click Add
Then Go to Load > Static Loads > Element Beam Loads
Load Case Name: Braking Load
Load Type: Uniform Loads
Direction: Global X
Value: Relative, x1:0, x2:1, w:1
Select All the elements
Click Apply