Hi, I have another question regarding SV vehicles. In the
attached model there is only one moving load case. When I check
Results/Result Tables/Elastic Link, I can see the reaction in the link
26 is 458.17kN for this moving load case:
Now i create a static load case using the moving tracer. To get
maximum reaction in the link 26, I extract Fz at i part of the element
3061 using 'MVmin: HJ SV196'.
The reaction in the link is 427.64 kN for the static load case:
It is 7% difference and in my other load cases which I have compared, I am getting even bigger difference.
Which one is correct please and why is that difference? The model is attached.
Thank you,
The maximum axial force in the link does not necessarily occur when the shear force of element 3061 is minimum. The axial force of 458.17 kN is correct. In order to verify this, I created one truss element have the same axial stiffness (300,000 kN/m) of the link and reduced the stiffness of the link to be 0.001 kN/m. The same axial force of 458.71 kN is obtained in the truss element and the vehicle position is as shown below. Modified file is attached here for your reference.
Thank you for the reply. If I used my model, can I also use Moving Tracer to extract a position of a vehicle for maximum tensile force in the links?
Thank you
As you see, Moving Load Tracer does not support link force. As a workaround, you can use truss element as I showed in my previous reply.
DK Lee
Technical Manager

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