Differents results from linear to quadratic elements

Creation date: 6/8/2020 5:40 AM    Updated: 6/8/2020 3:12 PM   quadratic element


We are testing solid model with linear VS quadratic elements, if you confront slide 3 and 5 you can see wide difference in the results, why?



You will understand that higher order elements will give results closer to exact results than linear elements. Also, if we make finer mesh with linear elements we will obtain results closer to exact results. 
Let me give you my test results which shows above. This test model is simplified from your model.
1. Linear element model: 1457 N/mm2 (Nodal average)
2. High order element (Quadratic): 2162 N/mm2 (Nodal average)
3. Finer mesh with linear element: 2095 N/mm2 (Nodal average)

DK Lee
Technical Manager

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