Moving Load to Mass Conversion

Creation date: 9/16/2018 9:36 PM    Updated: 9/17/2018 7:07 AM   moving loads to mass conversioni


In turkish specication, it is said that some part of moving load should be considered in seismic load case. In order to do that we need to convert moving load information to masses beacuse of concept.
In this point, we can use batch conversion from moving load tracer function. Then it creates MCT file, you apply this to create new static moving load cases.
Now my question comes;
In order to use these static MVL load cases, we need to use Load to Masses function. In here, can we add each static load case easily since there are too many load cases?
If not, is there any way to consider moving load as in seismic load combination by considering MVL as masses?




It is recommended to use MCT Command Shell for the repetitive data input.


DK Lee

So, midas Civil does not consider moving load in the seismic action automatically, right?
We need to do manual actions for mass convertion?

you are right.
