Our client have some problem about slab element in midas link for Revit 2018
their model only foundation slab can transfer to Gen but the floor slab cannot.
is there have some restriction about this function?
In the previous version (Revit 2016) seems no this issue.
Please give us some advise.
Thanks a lot
Best regards
According to user manual of midas link, it indicated the foundation slab & structural floor & structural wall is available to transfer between Gen & Revit.
Now they can transfer foundation slab and structural wall, only structural floor have some problem.
Thanks & regards,
Thank you for your patience. The developer has run the test on a random model, and the floor slab has been successfully imported into the midas Gen. Please ask the customer to check whether the structural material marked in the figure below is checked on.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang