I fixed nodes 10 & 12. Despite that, there is a movement of the nodes in the results. Did I do something wrong? Please advise.
Thank you for sending your question.
The node no 10&12 is fixed using boundary condition, but the roof floor which is located on node no 10&12 is considered with floor diaphragm. For this reason, rigid link on roof floor is duplicated with the boundary condition, and the boundary conditions on node no.10&12 are automatically released . Change the Floor Diaphragm from Consider to Do not consider.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Many thanks Jihong,
Floor diaphragm activated means all connections on the floor level is rigid, right? I ask because I am thinking what I will do if I fixed a node on the same floor which is also a diaphragm floor.
In that case, using Point Spring Supports via Boundary Condition > Point Spring, nodes can be fixed on the same floor which is also consider a diaphragm. Delete the fixed boundary condition on nodes 10&12, and assign the point spring boundary with Fixed option.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang