Dear Sir,
This are queries on Settlement input and analysis for MIDAS Gen. For details please refer to attached queries lists and screen-shot for your easy reference.
Thanks and Regards,
Q1) Due to inequality deformation, a moment is generated in the structure, which causes the DXYZ displacement. Please refer the simple model.

Q2) Yes, those are the result due to the settlement input. Here is the explanation of the SMmax/ SMmin/ SMall.
SMmin : The minimum force resulting from the vertical settlement applied to the structure. ²
SMmax: The maximum force resulting from the vertical settlement applied to the structure. ²
SMall: Both maximum and minimum force resulting from the vertical settlement applied to the structure.
Q3) Please refer to the below link.
Q5) To give you an accurate answer, could you elaborate the meaning of "two (2)/three (3) dimensional movement in foundation/support node" ?
I hope you will have a nice day :)
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Dear, Ms. JiHong Hwang,
Thanks for your prompt reply for our queries.
Item 1: I think there is misunderstanding to our queries. Actually what we wish to know is How MIDAS compute the Horizontal Deflection due to Vertical Settlement. Is there any supporting documents from MIDAS to support the computation.
Item 2: Thanks for your confirmation
Item 3: Thanks for your advise.
Item 4: How is Item 4?
Item 5:
"If we wish to input two (2)/three (3) dimensional movement in foundation/support node. Do MIDAS Gen had any module or input method into the Model for such condition." - To future clarify that currently we only manage to input Vertical DZ settlement. For our case, there will be Vertical and Horizontal Movement to each support node, May us know is MIDAS Gen have any application that we can input Vertical and Horizontal Movement to the Model.
Apr Appreciated that you can reply us as soon as possible.
Thanks and Regards,
Item 1: (Please refer to the below image together.) If the settlement displacement -0.001m is entered to the node no.1, the spring support will be automatically considered to calculate the force P. P will be calculated by multiplying the rigid stiffness (eg. 1E+7kN/m) for the spring support by the displacement (0.001m). And with this P, midas Gen calculate the horizontal deflection due to vertical settlement.
Item 4: Please see the marked formula.
Item 5: We support the horizontal movement in midas Gen with the
Specified Displacement of Support function via Load > Static Loads > Specified Displacement of Support. However, unlike the settlement function, if you apply the horizontal movement with this function, the load combinations should be manually created to consider the case where loads occur simultaneously.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang